Introducing Innovation & Change
The successful exploitation of new ideas is crucial to a business being able to improve its processes, bring new and improved products and services to market, increase its efficiency and, most importantly, improve its profitability.
Our expert Organisational Psychologists at Organisational Solutions can help you recruit people with the competency potential to be innovative and creative. They will have the flexibility and insight for developing new ideas, products and services in your organisation.
The business case for innovation
It is important to be clear about the difference between invention and innovation. Invention is a new idea. Innovation is the commercial application and successful exploitation of the idea.
Fundamentally, innovation means introducing something new into your business. This could be:
- improving or replacing business processes to increase efficiency and productivity, or to enable the business to extend the range or quality of existing products and/or services
- developing entirely new and improved products and services – often to meet rapidly changing customer or consumer demands or needs
- adding value to existing products, services or markets to differentiate the business from its competitors and increase the perceived value to the customers and markets
Innovation can mean a single major breakthrough – e.g. a totally new product or service. However, it can also be a series of small, incremental changes.
Whatever form it takes, innovation is a creative process. The ideas may come from:
- inside the business, e.g. from employees, managers or in-house research and development work
- outside the business, e.g. suppliers, customers, media reports, market research published by another organisation, or universities and other sources of new technologies
Success comes from filtering those ideas, identifying those that the business will focus on and applying resources to exploit them.
New Talent – We can measure their thinking style and cognitive strengths using ability tests combined with the TSPQ Invent Series™ to create an entirely unique assessment focused on identifying the individuals with the greatest creative potential and, for more senior roles, individuals with proven creative talent.
Your People – But what about your existing staff? Nearly every employee has the potential to contribute positively to the quality of ideas and innovation in their organisation. Using The 7 Creativity Lenses™ model we help organisations to stretch their creative potential and bring to the fore the best ideas to make your organisation thrive.
The 7 Creativity Lenses™ Organisational Solutions are a long-standing assessment partner with one of Europe’s leading test providers, Talent Strengths. Using the Talent Strengths Type Indicator (TSTI), we use the 7 Creativity Lenses framework for exploring a person’s approach to creativity and for identifying the strengths and preferences of an individual in the creative process.